Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fiscal 2013 request: DARPA

From Fierce Government:

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Spending at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency would go down slightly under the White House fiscal 2013 budget proposal when the agency's requested amount is adjusted for the Office of Management and Budget's projected rate of inflation.
Absolute spending at DARPA would increase slightly under the budget request, to $2.817 billion, up from the $2.815 billion the agency calculates it will spend in the current fiscal year. That increase falls below the threshold of real growth, however--at least according to OMB projections. Fiscal 2013, which starts Oct. 1, would be the third straight year the agency undergoes a decrease in spending.
One of the projects to undergo a significant reduction would be the agency's Cyber Security Initiative. According to DARPA budget justification materials, the decrease is due to the post-prototyping and development transfer of the National Cyber Range testbed to Cyber Command.
The Cyber Technology project within the Information & Communications Technology funding line, however, would increase by an inflation-adjusted 110.18 percent. Cyber Technology supports the "development and demonstration of technology to increase the security of military information systems," according to DARPA.

For more:
go to the DoD comptroller fiscal 2013 budget request page
download the DARPA fiscal 2013 RDT&E budget exhibit (.pdf)

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