
Friday, October 15, 2010

Aid And Comfort: How Leading Democrats Enabled The Iraqi Insurgency In Fallujah

From The American Thinker:

October 15, 2010

Aid and Comfort -- How leading Democrats enabled the Iraqi insurgency in Fallujah

Scott Swett

New information is emerging about efforts by major Democratic Party figures to undercut American war efforts in Iraq by providing aid to the insurgents. Lt. Col. Buzz Patterson's article Treason in America details how a coalition of radical organizations, including US-based Code Pink, delivered some $600,000 in cash and supplies to insurgents and their families in Fallujah, just days after 51 American troops were killed there in some of the bloodiest action of the Iraq war. An approving article published in Islam Online tipped off the connection between the anti-American Global Exchange coalition and the Democrats who made their venture possible:

They secured diplomatic courtesy letters from US Senators Barbara Boxer of California and Raul Grijalva of Arizona and Congressmen Dennis Kucinich of Ohio and Henry Waxman of California.

Islam Online deleted the incriminating page, which had been online since early 2005, on October 12, less than an hour after the publication of my American thinker article describing the close relationship between Senator Barbara Boxer and Code Pink. A cached version is still available.

Buzz Patterson's new article provides the actual letter written by Congressman Henry Waxman to the US Embassy in Aman, Jordan on behalf of the pro-insurgent group. The letter has a Congressional letterhead and is dated December 14, 2004 - while American troops were still fighting in Fallujah. It asks the Consul General to provide "any assistance you could offer" to the Global Exchange coalition during its mission to deliver supplies to the insurgency.

The corresponding diplomatic letters written by Senator Boxer and Congressmen Kucinich and Grijalva have not yet been made public. No doubt they, too, would make interesting reading.

Scott Swett is the author of To Set The Record Straight: How Swift Boat Veterans, POWs and the New Media Defeated John Kerry and webmaster for, and

Posted at 03:07 PM

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