
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

DNC Asks Pentagon To Provide Records Of Correspondence Between the Army And Nine Potential Republican Obama Challengers For 2012

From Fire Andrea Mitchell:

10:54 PM (23 minutes ago)Democratic National Committee asks Pentagon to provide records of correspondence between the Army and nine potential Obama challengers for 2012from Fire Andrea Mitchell! by adminVery Nixonian like! According to Fox News, The DNC has asked the Pentagon to provide records of correspondence between the Army and nine potential challengers to Obama in 2012. The nine include Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Haley Barbour, Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, John Thune, Mitch Daniels and Bobby Jindal.

“Yes, we did receive a FOIA request,” Army spokesman Tom Collins told Fox News, adding that the request, which came in recent days, is “asking for any record of communication within the Army for these individuals.”

The DNC asked that this information be completed Friday, just days before the midterm elections, a senior military official said.

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