
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Four Muslims Found Guilty Of Plotting To Bomb New York Synagogues And Shoot Down Military Planes

From Jihad Watch:

Four Misunderstanders of Islam guilty of plotting to bomb New York synagogues and shoot down military planes

Of course, they were already being portrayed as the victims before the verdict was even fully read. The machine is well-oiled and fully operational. "Jurors convict Riverdale bomb plotters on 30 of 32 counts," by Bruce Golding in the New York Post, October 18:

A jury today found four Muslim converts guilty of 30 or 32 counts in the May 2009 plot to bomb two Riverdale synagogues and shoot down military aircraft at Stewart Air National Guard Base in Newburgh.

Prosecutors had accused James Cromitie of hatching the scheme with a paid FBI informant he met at a mosque in Newburgh. They also said Cromitie recruited his three co-defendants -- David Williams, Onta Williams and Laguerre Payen -- to fire heat-seeking missiles at cargo planes.

The informant helped make hundreds of hours of surveillance tapes that were played at the trial. The defense argued the government entrapped their clients.

Payen and Onta Williams were found guilty of attempting to kill officers or employees of the United States, the only counts that went in the defendants' favor....

David Williams began smirking part way through the reading, while Payen rocked nervously in his chair.

After the jury was excused, David Williams' aunt, Bronx community activist Alicia McWilliams-McCollum, began shouting, "There's no f--king justice."...

Cromitie was portrayed as someone who "hated Jews and Jewish people," a government informant testified.

He also "hated the American soldiers and the American government," Shahed Hussain told jurors.

"He was full of hateful against those subjects," the Pakistani immigrant said.

Yes, jihadis are generally full of hateful.

Posted by Robert on October 18, 2010 12:35 PM

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