
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jihadist Who Plotted To Attack Canadian Parliament, Electrical Grids And Nuclear Station Gets 16 years In Prison

From Jihad Watch:

Jihadist who plotted to attack Canadian Parliament, electrical grids, and nuclear stations gets 16 years of prison dawah

He was, says the Canadian Press, the leader of a "terrorist group." Why did this "terrorist group" want to commit such heinous acts? The Canadian Press does not find that detail fit to print. "Toronto 18 ringleader gets 16 years," from The Canadian Press, October 25 (thanks to Ima):

BRAMPTON, Ont. - The ringleader of the so-called Toronto 18, who admitted to leading a terrorist group with plans to attack Parliament, has been sentenced to 16 years in prison.

Court heard weeks of evidence that Fahim Ahmad, 26, plotted to attack Parliament buildings, electrical grids and nuclear stations, and that he held training camps to assess recruits for his cause.

At one point, police intercepted Ahmad suggesting going to Parliament to "cut off some heads" and "kill everybody.''...

For Allah!

Posted by Robert on October 25, 2010 10:06 AM

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