Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pakistan Could Be Obama's Biggest Blunder

From Personal Liberty Digest:

Pakistan Could Be Obama’s Biggest Blunder

October 13, 2010 by John Myers

Pakistan Could Be Obama’s Biggest BlunderPresident Barack Obama has been so preoccupied with the November elections that he has shamefully neglected foreign policy. This is especially true with regard to Pakistan — a nuclear nation that could soon tumble into the hands of Muslim extremists who want to buy a one-way ticket to paradise by killing Infidels.

Despite deficits that have mounted into the trillions of dollars, the Obama administration has been downright miserly towards Pakistan. The result is a fractured Pakistan that may yet be swallowed up by jihad.

According to The Express Tribune, “It is an undeniable fact that a revolution is coming in Pakistan.”

The sobering truth points to one thing — Pakistan is at a tipping point. Whether it is an intended strategy or willful neglect by Obama, radical Muslims could soon seize control of this military superpower and its bristling array of nuclear weapons. If you think President Jimmy Carter executed poor foreign policies during his one term, consider this: Pakistan is Iran on steroids and may become bent on our destruction.

This month militants in Pakistan have destroyed several large and desperately needed fuel supplies headed for our embattled troops in Afghanistan.

Worse yet, these attacks come just days after the Pakistani government — our supposed ally — blocked entry into Afghanistan, bringing the American — Pakistan relationship to an all-time low.

Obama’s war against Afghan insurgents is pushing Pakistan towards the brink of civil war, warns Time Magazine’s Robert Baer: "We’re reduced to common sense in figuring out where Pakistan’s breaking point is. The war in Afghanistan has done nothing for Pakistan’s stability, and in fact it’s gotten progressively shakier over the past 10 years.”

Another Islam Misstep By Obama

Pakistan is America’s most important ally against the war on terror. President George W. Bush understood that and provided Islamabad with more than $11 billion after the 9/11 attacks. But under Obama, President Asif Ali Zardari’s government has received just a tiny fraction of that amount.

Zardari admits that he is nearly impotent against the Taliban-led insurgency that began after Obama assumed office. Today the Taliban encircles the capital, Islamabad.

According to Zardari the United States is not providing enough money to deal with the 18,000 madrassas (radical Muslim religious schools) or enough to backstop Pakistan’s security forces including its army.

There is much at stake, admitted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: “One of our concerns is that if the worst, the unthinkable were to happen, and this advancing Taliban… were to essentially topple the government for failure to beat them back, then they would have the keys to the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan. We can’t even contemplate that.”

Recent catastrophic floods have pushed Pakistan’s economy to the edge. Islamabad’s debt has ballooned to $55 billion and any tax base to fill it has evaporated. One third of Pakistan’s population has fallen below the poverty line.

A disaster of Biblical proportions is pushing the Islamic nation of 170 million people towards economic collapse. Agriculture has been ravaged by floodwaters that have submerged nearly a quarter of the country’s farmland and swept away 70 percent of the roads and bridges. More than 10,000 schools and 500 hospitals have been destroyed or damaged. There are doubts that the land will improve before the autumn wheat planting. If that happens Pakistan faces starvation. Yet Obama pays no heed to Pakistan’s plight.

The Montreal Gazette reports that millions of Pakistanis — who were just surviving before the floodwaters hit — are now homeless and unable to feed themselves. According to Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, losses from the flood could reach $43 billion which is an Obama-like fortune for this Third World country. Western analysts say that the end result could cause 20 percent inflation. All this for a country already mired in a terrible economic depression.

This month eight suspected German nationals were killed in a U.S. launched missile drone strike in north-western Pakistan. The group is called Jihad al Islami and their very existence has sparked a not-so-funny joke.

Question: “Which is worse: German Nazis or Pakistan Jihadists?

Answer: German Jihadists.”

Pakistan’s Nukes Are America’s Worst Nightmare

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO has been unopposed. That is until now. This month container trucks and fuel tankers that supply 80 percent of NATO’s needs in Afghanistan were blocked by Pakistan forces. This may turn into the biggest embargo America and its allies have faced since Stalin sealed off Berlin six decades ago. It demonstrates what a thin string Obama’s policies are hanging by.

When I was a kid my dad actually started digging a bomb shelter during the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Those were crazy times and it left me worried about nuclear war until I was almost 30. Like many of you, I thought that the collapse of Communism had arrested nuclear Armageddon, at least in my lifetime. But Pakistan is the cause of a whole new nightmare. It is a nuke toting nation whose arsenal may fall under the control of Muslim radicals.

According to Zardari, “We are not a failed state yet but we may become one in 10 years.”

Don’t bet that Zardari isn’t being overly optimistic. His wife — the charismatic Benazir Bhutto — was perhaps the country’s last legitimate national leader before she was brutally assassinated. Since her death the Taliban have launched hundreds of terrorist attacks across Pakistan. The situation has become so bad that Zardari is now a captive of a bunker that more resembles Adolf Hitler’s Wolfsschanze military headquarters than it does a presidential palace in a democratic society.

Things have gotten so bad the Obama administration is attacking the enemy within Pakistan’s borders. If you don’t think that is an alliance in crisis imagine American B-17s bombing England on D-Day.

The Guardian newspaper says the Obama administration has lost patience with Islamabad. This should be worrisome to the world. After all, Zardari’s teetering government is all that stands between us and a Jihad armed with 100 nuclear weapons. Last week in OpEdNews, Michael Payne wrote: “The probability that this scenario (involving Pakistan) could explode into a war like no other in history grows greater every day.”

While Obama’s domestic policies have been atrocious, his lasting legacy may be his failure to deal with Islam and Pakistan. And frankly, I am too old to start digging a bomb shelter.

Yours for real wealth and good health,

John Myers

Myers’ Energy and Gold

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