
Friday, October 29, 2010

Weird, Bizarre: Obama On Terror Threat From Yemen--If We Help Yemen To Create Jobs, We Will Stop The Islamic Terrorists

From Gateway Pundit:

Obama on Terror Threat: If We Help Yemen Create Jobs We Will Stop the Islamic Terrorists

Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, October 29, 2010, 3:34 PM

Barack Obama spoke out on the terror threat today after several suspicious packages sent from Yemen to the United States. Barack Obama believes we just need to help the Yemeni government put these Islamic terrorists to work.

“Going forward we will continue to strengthen our cooperation with the Yemeni government to disrupt plotting by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and to destroy this Al-Qaeda affiliate. We’ll also continue our efforts to strengthen a more stable, secure and prosperous Yemen so that Islamic terrorists groups do not have the time and space they need to plan attacks from within its borders.”

Obama also forgot to mention that the packages were planted by suspected “Muslim” extremists.

He didn’t want to offend anyone.

And, since when did the worst jobs president since the Great Depression become an expert on creating jobs?

And, related, from Gateway Pundit:

3:35 PM (7 hours ago)Packages From Yemen Prompt Terror Investigationfrom Gateway Pundit by Jim HoftDubai Authorities intercepted an explosive package bound for Chicago today.

The AP reported:

Authorities in Dubai intercepted an explosive device bound for a Chicago-area Jewish institution aboard a cargo jet, officials disclosed Friday, triggering a worldwide alert and fears that al-Qaida was attempting to carry out fresh terror attacks.

A second package — like the first, shipped from Yemen — was discovered aboard a plane in England. It, too, was addressed to a Jewish organization in the Chicago area, although there was no immediate confirmation about its contents.

Several other cargo planes at airports along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States also were searched, and officials said no explosives were found. An Emirates Airlines passenger jet carrying cargo from Yemen was escorted from the Canadian border to New York City by two military fighter jets, U.S. officials said. They said it was a precautionary action.

President Barack Obama arranged to make a statement about the developments at the White House. Aides said he had been informed about a “potential terrorist threat.”

UPDATE: Great. John Brenann, who believes that jihad is legitimate tenet of Islam, is addressing reporters about the incident.

We’re in the best of hands.

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