
Saturday, October 23, 2010

WikiLeaks Papers Reveal That U.S. Troops Did Find WMD In Iraq

From Gateway Pundit:

4:46 PM (4 hours ago)Wikileak’s Papers Reveal US Troops Did Find WMD in Iraqfrom Gateway Pundit by Jim HoftDo you suppose this will make any headlines?

Anti-American crackpot Julian Assange revealed today in his leaked Wikileak’s documents that US troops did indeed find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Ace reported on this from the Danger Room:

WikiLeaks’ newly-released Iraq war documents reveal, U.S. troops continued to find chemical weapons labs, encounter insurgent specialists in toxins, and uncover weapons of mass destruction…

…In August 2004, for instance, American forces surreptitiously purchased what they believed to be containers of liquid sulfur mustard, a toxic “blister agent” used as a chemical weapon since World War I. The troops tested the liquid, and “reported two positive results for blister.” The chemical was then “triple-sealed and transported to a secure site” outside their base.

Three months later, in northern Iraq, U.S. scouts went to look in on a “chemical weapons” complex. “One of the bunkers has been tampered with,” they write. “The integrity of the seal [around the complex] appears intact, but it seems someone is interesting in trying to get into the bunkers.”

Meanwhile, the second battle of Fallujah was raging in Anbar province. In the southeastern corner of the city, American forces came across a “house with a chemical lab … substances found are similar to ones (in lesser quantities located a previous chemical lab.” The following day, there’s a call in another part of the city for explosive experts to dispose of a “chemical cache.”

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