
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Global Jihadist Update....

From Jihad Watch:

Pakistani Misunderstanders of Islam aiding jihad plots of Yemeni Misunderstanders of Islam

Misunderstanding Islam is a global enterprise. Yet no one ever seems to ask Islamic spokesmen in the West why, if what they're saying is true, so many Muslims seem to get Islam so drastically wrong. "Pakistan al Qaeda Aids Yemen Plots," by Adam Entous and Margaret Coker in the Wall Street Journal, November 5 (thanks to Maxwell):

Osama bin Laden and other al Qaeda leaders are believed to be providing strategic and philosophical guidance from Pakistan to Yemen-based al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, the group Washington believes was behind last week's attempt to ship bombs in packages to the U.S.

Increased communication and collaboration between al Qaeda militants in Yemen and the group's central leadership have fueled alarm about terrorist plots which U.S. and European officials first detected months ago and which they believe remain active despite efforts to thwart them....

Posted by Robert on November 5, 2010 8:25 AM
And this, also from Jihad Watch:
Wife of convicted Misunderstander of Islam on trial in Germany for jihad plot against U.S. targets

Yet another convert to Islam, Fritz Gelowicz, misunderstands his new, peaceful religion, and apparently has also led his wife, who seems to have grown up Muslim, to misunderstand it as well. One wonders why there is such an abysmal quality of religious instruction among the adherents of the Religion of Peace, and why no one seems to notice or care. "Wife of convicted terrorist on trial in Germany," by David Rising for the Associated Press, November 5 (thanks to Maxwell):

BERLIN - The wife of a German convert to Islam who was convicted of plotting a thwarted attack on U.S. targets in Germany went on trial herself Friday on charges of supporting terrorist organizations.

Filiz Gelowicz, 28, is accused of supporting the Islamic Jihad Union and the German Taliban Mujahideen by helping provide euro3,000 ($4,225) to fund terrorist training camps in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region between 2009 and 2010. She faces up to five years in prison.

One of two male co-defendants, identified only as 21-year-old Alican T., also went on trial in the Berlin state court on suspicion of supporting the same terrorist organizations. The other, Fatih K., 31, is in Turkish custody awaiting extradition to Germany.

When they were charged in August, prosecutors said in addition to raising the money that Alican T. posted 16 radical Islamic videos on the Internet trying to recruit new members for jihad, or holy war, while Filiz G. posted more than 1,000 videos, comments and texts online. In six contributions, Filiz F. specifically asked Muslims in Germany to join Islamic Jihad Union, the German Taliban Mujahideen and al-Qaida.

Gelowicz's husband Fritz Gelowicz was convicted in March in Duesseldorf state court of plotting with three other members of the Islamic Jihad Union to attack American soldiers and citizens at facilities including the U.S. Air Force's Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

The four men operated as a German cell of the radical Islamic Jihad Union, a group the U.S. State Department has said has ties to Osama bin Laden and fugitive Taliban leader Mullah Omar, the court found.

Had they succeeded, "there would have been a terrible bloodbath with an incredibly high of number of dead and injured, above all members of the U.S. army but also civilians," the court said.....

Posted by Robert on November 5, 2010 8:02 AM
And this, also from Jihad Watch:
Misunderstanders of Islam claim responsibility for murders of 91 Shi'ites in Baghdad

Yeah, but don't forget those cartoons of Muhammad! "Qaida claims Baghdad attacks on Shiites," from AP, November 5 (thanks to Maxwell):

BAGHDAD - Al-Qaida's front group in Iraq has claimed responsibility for 91 deaths in a string of attacks on Baghdad's Shiite districts....

The group's statement was posted Friday on a militant website. It says the assault Tuesday on Shiite civilians at restaurants and cafes across the capital was "the first day of many bloody days to come."

The Islamic State of Iraq is an umbrella group that includes al-Qaida in Iraq and other Sunni insurgent factions.

The group this week also threatened more attacks on Christians, after it took responsibility for a shocking siege at a Baghdad church during Sunday Mass that left 58 people dead.

Posted by Robert on November 5, 2010 7:45 AM
And lastly, this, also from Jihad Watch:
Jihadists murder 50 with suicide bomb during prayers at Pakistani mosque

Watch now and see. Watch and see if, over the next few days, there are any protests in the Islamic world against this desecration of a mosque. Watch and see if anywhere, at any time, any group of Muslims musters anything approaching the level of indignation, to say nothing of murderous rage, with which they greet rumors of impending Qur'an-burnings, cartoons of Muhammad, etc.

It is almost certain that there will be no such public displays of outrage or even disapproval by Muslims against this mass-murder inside a mosque. Then ask yourself what kind of moral compass one would have to have in order to be outraged by cartoons but take this in stride. And note the smooth deceptions of Muslim spokesmen in the West, who, when asked why peaceful Muslims aren't doing more against the jihadis they profess to oppose, generally respond that they are speaking out and acting against them, but that their actions aren't covered by a sensationalist and "Islamophobic" media. This is utter buncombe, of course, especially given the mainstream media's advanced state of dhimmitude and complicity, but I will take their claim at face value, and issue the following invitation: if anyone has news that is being ignored or underreported, of Muslims protesting against these jihad murders and the ideology and belief-system underlying them, send it here to me at director[at], and I will publish it. And thanks in advance.

"At least 50 killed in blast in Darra Adam Khel," from AFP, November 5 (thanks to all who sent this in):

PESHAWAR: A suicide bomb tore through a Pakistani mosque during weekly prayers on Friday, killing 50 people and bringing down the roof, trapping victims under pulverised rubble.

The attack in the volatile northwest was the deadliest in two months. Dozens of people were critically wounded and officials feared the toll could rise.

The carnage wrought havoc in Akhurwall village, part of the semi-tribal northwest area of Darra Adam Khel about 140 kilometres west of the Pakistani capital Islamabad.

A local official said 11 children were among the dead and television footage showed villagers digging graves within hours of the attack, determined to bury the dead in keeping with Muslim custom before nightfall.

Although there was no immediate claim of responsibility, a local elder blamed the Taliban and suggested that the bombers could have been targeting members of a pro-government militia set up to thwart the extremists.

"The number of dead is 50 now. There is a possibility it might rise further," local administration official Gul Jamal Khan told AFP.

"The number of wounded is more than 100. The dead include 11 children. Some of the bodies are beyond recognition."...

Khalid Umarzai, a regional administrator, said the bomber entered the mosque from the back during the main prayers.

"The roof of the mosque collapsed," he told Geo television. "It was a suicide attack."...

Posted by Robert on November 5, 2010 7:19 AM

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