
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

White House Warns That More Jihad Parcel Bombs Could Be Coming At Same Time White House Special Muslim Envoy Decries "Scapegoating" Of Islam

from Jihad Watch:

White House warns that more jihad mail bombs could be coming as White House Muslim envoy decries "scapegoating" of Islam

Sometimes it's just a case of poor timing.

"White House: could be more mail bombs," from AP, October 31:

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama's counterterrorism adviser said Sunday that authorities "have to presume" there might be more potential mail bombs like the ones pulled from planes in England and the United Arab Emirates....

"Obama adviser decries anti-Islam sentiments," by Niraj Warikoo for the Detroit Free Press, October 31:

Speaking to about 400 people in Livonia, President Barack Obama's envoy to the Muslim world said there is a "disturbing rise in anti-Islamic sentiment" that may be caused in part by the poor economy.

"The things you can say about Islam you can't say about any other faith," Rashad Hussain,

Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, said Saturday night at the annual fund-raising dinner of the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, a Muslim-founded think tank based in Clinton Township. "During tough economic times, groups that are seen to be the other ... the scapegoating can increase."...

Or maybe the economy could be just dandy and Americans would still be slightly annoyed by the prospect of Islamic jihadists sending bombs via UPS to synagogues in Chicago. Or storming a church in Baghdad and murdering 58 people. Or maybe they're annoyed by the Fort Hood jihad shooting, the Arkansas recruiting center jihad shooting, the Christmas underwear bomb jihad attempt, the Times Square jihad car bomb attempt, the Fort Dix jihad plot, the North Carolina jihad plot, the Seattle jihad shooting, the JFK Airport jihad plot, and on and on.

Might all this violence and attempted violence perpetrated by Muslims in the name of Islam account for some of this "scapegoating"? Naaah, couldn't be -- it must just be rampant and spreading "Islamophobia"!

Posted by Robert on November 1, 2010 10:29 AM

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