
Monday, December 20, 2010

Lawyers Running War On Terror: Holder Decides Which Guantanamo Prisoners Are Released

From CIR and Floyd Reports;

Lawyers running War on Terror: Holder still decides which GITMO prisoners are released

By Coach Collins, on December 18th, 2010

By Jim Emerson, staff writer

On Dec 7, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) released an unclassified a summary of a Congressional directed intelligence report assessing the recidivism of detainees formerly held at Guantanamo Bay (GITMO). The reports indicate that approximately 25% of released prisoners had returned to committing terrorist and insurgent activities against the United States and allies.

According to the DNI, as of 1 October 2010, of the 598 terrorists released from GITMO and sent to other countries; 81 were confirmed and 69 are suspected of returning to terrorist and insurgent Organizations. The summary estimates 13 were dead, 54 in custody and 81 where still on the loose. The Intelligence Community assesses that that the numbers will increase if more detainees are transferred out of U.S. custody.


The report attempts to defend the President’s executive order “calling for a comprehensive interagency review of the status of all individuals currently detained at Guantanamo Bay. Every decision to transfer a detainee to a foreign country under this review was made after a full assessment of intelligence and threat information.” Translation; Holder’s DOJ will get to decide who goes home.

Historical trends indicate that an average 2.5 years between being released from GITMO and the return to terrorism. Once the former detainees become established in their host country they often renew contact with former comrades in terrorist organizations. Since President Obama assumed office only 5 of 66 GITMO detainees released reengaged in terrorist or insurgent activities. It would be safe to estimate that the number will climb significantly in time.


As reported by Thomas Joscelyn at the Weekly Standard “The DNI’s latest assessment is a significant increase over previous estimates. In June 2008, the Department of Defense reported that 37 former detainees were “confirmed or suspected” of returning to terrorism. On January 13, 2009 — seven months later — Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said that number had climbed to 61. As of April 2009, the DoD found that same metric had risen further to 74 — exactly double the Pentagon’s estimate just 11 months before.”

The current estimate is around 150 former GITMO detainees returning to Jihad, More than double the number released April 2009.


Senator Kit Bond (R-Mo) vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence criticized the President’s vow to close GITMO said in a statement “Unfortunately, these latest numbers make clear that fulfilling a campaign promise to close Guantanamo Bay is overriding what should be the administration’s first priority — protecting Americans from terrorists,” Sen. Bond has been a vocal critic against the closing of GITMO.

He also warned “If one of these dangerous detainees attacks our troops or civilians, I don’t know how the administration will explain to the American people that we had him in custody, knew the risk he could return to the fight, and let him go anyway,”

To read more about this issue use these links

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