Oregon jihad bomber was "average American student"
Good ol' Mo-Mo

Decent Fellows Update. "Friends: 'We knew him as Mo-mo,'" by Kelly Koopmans for KVAL News, November 29:
CORVALLIS, Ore. -- To his friends and colleagues, Mohamed Osman Mohamud wasn't a religious extremist, he was simply "Mo-mo."
"He was an average American student," said Corvallis Imam Yosof Wanly.
Yeah, the average American student usually tries to set off a bomb and murder thousands of people sooner or later.
Wanly said Mohamud was a student, a Muslim and a man wanting to make a change in the world.
"He seemed like he wanted to do something to change something," said Wanly. "His father brought him here so he could make something of himself."...
Omar Mohamed with the Muslim Student Association said he knew Mohamud as an acquaintance through the student association. He said Mohamud attended a couple of association events but that he didn't always lead a life consistent with Islam.
"He hung out with people who partied and drank alcohol," said Mohamed. "He didn't commonly go to the mosque. He wasn't an obedient Muslim."
Omar Mohamed, remember, is a representative of the MSA, which is a Muslim Brotherhood organization. The Brotherhood is dedicated in its own words to "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within."
Still, many said the 19-year old pre-engineering student never let on that he wanted to carry out "violent jihad," as he is reported in a federal affidavit to have said.
"I would have never have [sic] thought anything like this would even come across his mind," Wanly said....
Never ever!
Posted by Robert on November 30, 2010 7:08 AM
And this, also related, also from Jihad Watch:
Attorney General defends FBI's actions in thwarting jihad attack in Portland
It is good that Holder defended the FBI, but deplorable in the first place that in the wake of an attempted jihad mass-murder of Americans, Islamic supremacists (along with their Leftist allies) are trying to put him and the FBI on the defensive instead of cleaning their own house. "Attorney general says FBI acted properly; fire examined at Islamic center," by Pete Yost for The Associated Press, November 30:
WASHINGTON -- Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday that federal agents acted appropriately in the case of a Somali-American man who allegedly tried to blow up what he thought was a van full of explosives in Portland during the city's Christmas tree-lighting ceremony.
The FBI set up a sting operation to investigate Mohamed Osman Mohamud after receiving a tip. Holder rejected the suggestion that Mohamud was a victim of illegal entrapment by the FBI.
Once the undercover operation began, the suspect "chose at every step to continue" with the bombing plot, Holder said.
"He was told that children -- children -- were potentially going to be harmed," the attorney general said....
If the fire is related to the arrest or to an attack on Islam, it "is something that I personally decry," Holder said. "It is not something that is consistent with who we are as Americans."
Yes. If it was.
Posted by Robert on November 30, 2010 6:16 AM
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