
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Russians Set To Control Half Of U.S.' Uranium Output

From Glenn Beck and The Patriot Update:

Glenn Beck: Russia set to control half of U.S. uranium output?

Audio Available:

December 6, 2010 - 15:42 ET

TheBlaze: State-‘Controlled’ Russian Company Set to Take Over Wyoming Uranium Mines

GLENN: I'm wondering, may I, may I ask why are we selling uranium mines to Russia? Two uranium mines in Wyoming are on their way to control by a Russian company. The NRC has okayed and approved the license transfer to a Russian company known as... you can't write this stuff. You can't write this stuff. Okay. Uranium made in you know, used in missiles. The name of the company? ARMZ. Russian ARMZ, A R M Z, ARMZ. But they are saying now they are not worried at all about Russian ARMZ making Russian arms.

PAT: No, because it's illegal to transfer the uranium to a foreign country, but they are selling the rights to this uranium mine to a foreign

GLENN: Country.

PAT: country. So...

GLENN: Mmm hmmm.

PAT: I'm sure they're developing it just for the U.S. I'm sure that's what they are doing. That seems to make a lot of sense. Right?

GLENN: What the hell is wrong with us? No, no. You can't say that anymore, can you? Can you really say anymore what's wrong with us? Because this is, there's just too much. Not stupid. This is just too much. Are we really this stupid? Are the people in the government really this colossally stupid? I don't think so. Do you?

PAT: No.

GLENN: Do you, Stu?

STU: No, I don't think so.

PAT: I mean, I don't know what

GLENN: I don't know what it means.

PAT: I don't know what you get out of this.

GLENN: I Russian arms?

PAT: I know. Why would our government, why would the nuke the NRC okay a sale to a company from Russia that's going to buy this company? I don't understand it. I just don't get it.

STU: You know, I'm sure they assume that, you know, it's not like they are selling it directly to the government. They believe that it's a Russian company just like we sell to international companies all the time and that they're fine and dandy.

PAT: We're talking about uranium. We're not talking about toilet tissue.

GLENN: Wyoming's congressional delegation said the uranium could in theory go overseas and serve against U.S. interests. They all of them, everyone in Wyoming said don't do this. And they did it anyway.

STU: Yeah. I'm not saying I would advise it but I'm sure that's their argument.

GLENN: But, what's their argument? It's crazy.

STU: That it's just a company in good standing from a foreign country.

GLENN: Known as ARMZ!

STU: I don't think

GLENN: I mean

STU: I assume that's a

GLENN: That's like we had ACORN. You don't know about ACORN, it would be like renaming ACORN We Are Stealing The Vote.

STU: Well, no, we don't know I mean, what does ARMZ stand for? Do you know? I don't know.

GLENN: I don't really care what it stands for. It spells ARMZ!

STU: Not the best acronym when you're talking about uranium.

GLENN: Russian ARMZ! I mean, jeez!

STU: It's better than the other company, We're Going To Destroy Manhattan, Incorporated?

GLENN: Yeah, we're going to

PAT: Still sell to them.

GLENN: We're going to smuggle this out, Put It Into a Bomb and Blow You Up, Inc.

PAT: I don't see any harm in that, or selling it to...

GLENN: I don't remember what so there's Wyoming. Wyoming has the Russians in now and we have the Communist Party USA in Montana. That is their new Western headquarters. Montana. Communist Party USA?

I read some story about Idaho on the brink over the weekend and I thought, we cannot lose these Western states. We cannot lose the Western mountain region. We can't. You lose the mountain region and Texas and you're done, gang. You're done. I'm counting on Western states. The Western states and Texas give me hope. What the hell are we doing, man? Please. We're counting on you. Hold some sanity.

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