
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Seattle Reactions To Portland Attempted-Bombing Muted, Apologoists Find Reasons For Bomber To Bomb

From Winds of Jihad:

Seattle: “Some people crazy, they want to give bad name to Islam…”

by sheikyermami on November 29, 2010

Oregon residents fear more jihad attacks after Christmas tree lighting plot — no, wait…

Really? Who would do a thing like this?! So far all and every reaction to Islamic terror was deep, deliberate and stoopid dhimmitude. The lame stream media has even found a reason why this nice little teenager wanted to bomb Americans: because his parents got divorced! Yes, you couldn’t make it up: Divorce causes jihad: Oregon jihadist “embraced militant Islam not long after his parents split up”. No kidding: when it comes to finding excuses for Islamic mass-murderers our untrustworthy, miscreant media scrapes the bottom of the pits, every time….. Update: according to MSNBC, the poor kid was “bullied”

Muslim Brotherhood springs into action:

Three days after a Muslim tries to kill thousands of Infidels in Oregon, OIC chief says West is spreading “Islamophobia”

SEATTLE - The faithful come for daily prayers at Seattle’s Idriss Mosque.

Abdul Karim says he worries the flames of anti-Islam extremism may spread to Seattle after the arson at a Corvallis mosque overnight.


“Some people crazy,” he says. “They want to give bad name to Islam.”

Believers at Idriss have felt the burn of hatred before. Two days after Sept. 11 a man shot at two worshipers and tried to set fire to a car in the mosque parking lot. But despite an undercurrent of concern, there is still a belief by most at the mosque in the goodness of their neighbors.

“Really the American people are above that level of hatred,” says Khalid Mohamed. “The majority of American people are really kindhearted and generous.”

Unfortunately for us all, Islam is not.”Kindhearted & generous,”- that is…..

Some related news:

Imam of mosque that failed Oregon jihadist attended: “there wasn’t anything that would prompt me to think he would plan this. It’s completely, clearly, textually denounced in the Islamic religion”

Shifting the focus: arson attack against Oregon jihadist’s mosque

Portland, Oregon refused to participate in Joint Terrorism Task Force in 2005

Spencer: Even in Oregon

As part of an ongoing effort to improve relations between Muslim America and the rest of the country, local Muslim leaders are using the holiest time in the Christian year to make their point.

“The key is to judge the Muslim community by its actions, not by a few extremists,” says Arsalan Bukhari, Executive Director of Washington’s Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Bukhari says this week dozens of mosques across the state are beginning a food and toy drive for the Christmas holiday.

“To show the true character of the community. To show that we’re here to bring cheer during the holiday season and not harm and dismay and violence,” he says.

But goodwill only goes so far. Bukhari says the council is asking law enforcement across the state to keep a close eye on mosques, while those attending them appeal to a higher power.

“We leave it for God,” says Mansour Al Fallah, a worshiper at Idriss Mosque.


FBI offers $10,000 reward in attack on Corvallis Mosque

On what basis is anyone sure that the arson attack constituted retaliation in the first place

Backlash questions

Meanwhile, even the jihadist himself is a victim: Oregon residents fear more jihad attacks after Christmas tree lighting plot — no, wait…

Omar Jamal, first secretary for the Somali mission to the United Nations in New York City, told The Associated Press his office has received “thousands of calls” from Somalis in the United States who are concerned about tactics used by federal agents in the sting operation against Mohamud….

UK govt warns that British citizens in Muslim countries could be targeted in “backlash” attacks over “anti-Islamic” views in leaked documents

Now here is a genuine fear of a backlash. “Britain fears Islamic fury over WikiLeaks: Report,” from Economic Times, November 28:

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