
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tennessee Senators Bribed With Contracts For Oak Ridge For START Treaty Votes

From Fire Andrea Mitchell:

10:39 PM (1 hour ago)RINO Tennessee Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander bribed for their votes on START treatyfrom Fire Andrea Mitchell! by adminWell, now we have a reason why the two RINOs from Tennessee voted to help disarm America and ratify the START treaty. According to Yahoo/The Lookout, the two RINOs Corker and Alexander got about $6 billion in pork for their state uranium processing. Weapon modernization was a condition of support for the START treaty. The TWO RINOs seemed to have cashed in.

The weapon modernization isn’t likely to be carried out in anything like a rational, cost-effective way. It will likely include more than $6 billion dollars for a uranium processing facility, to be built at the Y-12 weapons compound in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Indeed, the states’ two GOP senators, Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander, both said that money for modernization — and therefore, in all likelihood, pork for their district — was a key condition of their support.

So basically the two RINOs were bought off. What term can we come up with for Tennesee? We had the Cornhusker kickback for Ben Nelson’s ObamaCARE vote, the Lousiana Purchase for Mary Landreiux’s vote. How about the Volunteer Vomit for these two bought off frauds?

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