From Gateway Pundit:
Senate Blocks Repeal of Bill Clinton’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policyfrom Gateway Pundit by Jim HoftThe Senate failed to repeal Bill Cinton’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy for gays in the military.
FOX News reported:
Senate Republicans have blocked legislation that would have repealed the military’s policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell” and allowed gay troops to serve openly.
Democrats failed Thursday to cinch a procedural deal with Republicans in the waning days of the lame-duck session. The 57-40 test vote fell three votes short of the 60 needed to advance.
The vote could end months of political wrangling on the bill and makes congressional action on the repeal provision unlikely any time soon.
The 1993 law bans gay troops from publicly acknowledging their sexual orientation
. A repeal provision was included in a broader defense policy bill and passed last spring in the House.
Allahpundit added this on the vote today:
They had 60 votes in the bank, with Brown, Collins, and Murkowski all promising to vote yes if they could reach an agreement with Reid on debate time and amendments. He spent a day negotiating with them and then gave up, choosing to ignore their demands and force a vote by bringing the bill to the floor anyway. And it worked! … in Collins’s case. Brown and Murky voted no but she ended up voting yes, even though (a) Reid gave her nothing in return and (b) she pledged last week not to approve any bills until the tax cuts deal is settled. So not only is she exposed as a liar and a chump, she didn’t even get a successful repeal here as a consolation prize. That makes her our official sucker of the day, with Reid a close second for not delaying this vote until after the tax deal is done.
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Add starLikeShareShare with noteEmailKeep unreadAdd tags3:26 PM (8 hours ago)"DADT" Vote Fails in the Senatefrom The American Spectator and AmSpecBlog by Philip KleinThe U.S. Senate just voted down the defense authorization bill containing a repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," 57 to 40, with 60 votes needed to proceed.
The official roll call has not yet been posted, but among the key votes: Sen. Susan Collins voted "aye" while Sens. Scott Brown, Lisa Murkowski and Joe Manchin voted "no." Manchin was the only Democrat to vote against it.
UPDATE: Here's the roll call. Brownback, Cornyn and Lincoln were the ones who didn't vote, though Lincoln said after if she didn't miss the vote, she would have been an "aye." Meanwhile, Lieberman has said he plans to bring up the DADT repeal in a stand alone bill. Both Brown and Murkowski have come out in favor of repeal in principle, but had procedural objections to Reid's approach. Sympathetic Republicans have also said they want to see the tax issue resolved before voting for this.
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