
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Virginia Considers Bill To Stop DADT Repeal In Its National Guard

From Rebellion:

2:47 PM (7 hours ago)Virginia considers bill to stop DADT in National Guardfrom feed/ by Old RebelI don't know how far this will go, but the argument for it is compelling, as well as significant for the future:

The Virginia National Guard is one of the organized Militias of the several states. State organized Militias were not created by the United States Constitution or the United States Congress, but pre-existed the ratification of the United States Constitution. ...

3. The Militia provisions of the United States Constitution reflect both the importance of state Militias, and the founders’ concern of the dangers of a large standing army in times of peace.

4. Whereas the Armed Forces of the United States reports to the President of the United States, unless the Virginia National Guard has been called into “actual service,” it reports to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

5. Unlike the provisions authorizing Congress to "raise and support" armies and "provide for a navy," the Militia provisions of the United States Constitution did not grant to the federal government the power to "constitute" the Militia, but only to organize, arm and discipline "the Militia" Thus, the Constitution left it to the several states to determine eligibility for service in the Militia, that is, to decide who will actually comprise the Militia.

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