
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Denmark: Only 14% Of Muslims Identify Themselves As Democrats

From Jihad Watch:

Denmark: Only 14 percent of Muslims identify themselves as democrats

Denmark: Only 14 percent of Muslims identify themselves as democrats

By Nicolai Sennels

The Danish Conservative Party MP Naser Khader, a Muslim and an immigrant from Syria, has received threats from Syrians via Facebook and by telephone. One Muslim threatened to cut Khader into pieces; another said he would trample him to death.

The threats appeared shortly after Khader criticised the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, and also declared that he was considering converting to Christianity. One angry Muslim wrote about Khader on Facebook that "the Muslims in Denmark are very angry at him. He defended and supported the Muhammad drawings. He says that being a Muslim is secondary to being a democrat. He fights Islam and has declared war against Sharia."

It is interesting to know that Naser Khader started the organisation Democratic Muslims in 2006. A survey showed that only 14 percent of Muslims in Denmark could identify with this organisation, seeing themselves as "Muslim, democrats and Danish." (This survey is not online anymore; a copy of the text is here). This percentage is from when the organisation had just started and received immense attention in the media (it only had 1,100 Muslim members, of whom only 505 paid for their membership).

Nicolai Sennels is a psychologist and author who writes from Denmark.

Posted by Robert on June 17, 2011 5:16 PM

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