Friday, January 20, 2012

Denmark: 3.5 million dollars collected yearly to sponsor Islamic terror

From Jihad Watch:

Denmark: 3.5 million dollars collected yearly to sponsor Islamic terror
One version of homegrown terrorism: when Muslim immigrants and their children and grandchildren send their salaries, social benefits, black market money and money earned from robberies, thefts and handling stolen goods to Muhammad's copycats. This is a case in which being an economic refugee and supporting terrorism are the same. "Terrorist groups get millions from Denmark," translated from Danish National Radio, January 17:

Training camps for terrorists, weapons and other aspects of the planning of terrorist activities cost money. Therefore, terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and al-Shabaab are happy to receive money from generous donors worldwide. ... PET (the Danish secret police) estimates that about 20 million kroner are collected annually in Denmark to finance terrorist groups abroad. ... PET estimates that the groups that enjoy the millions of Danish terror kroners include groups in conflict zones such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine and Somalia. That is to say that organizations such as al-Qaeda, Taliban, al-Shabaab, Hamas and Hezbollah may be among those benefiting from the money that is collected in Denmark.
Posted by Nicolai Sennels on January 18, 2012 6:42 AM

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