
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

FBI briefed terror-linked CAIR before public in Florida jihad arrest

From Creeping Sharia:

FBI briefed terror-linked CAIR before public in Florida jihad arrest

“If we had direct ties to terrorism, I would not have had the U.S. Attorney sitting next to me at the CAIR Florida banquet. I would not have had the mayor sitting next to me. I would not have been briefed by the FBI before it was made public that a suspected terrorist was apprehended in our city,” said Shibly, referring to the recent arrest of alleged terror suspect Sami Osmakac of Pinellas County.
The FBI praised CAIR for its help in the investigation.
First, where did the FBI praise CAIR? They praised the store owner who reported the jihadi who tried to buy an al Qaeda flag. Can anyone find a link, video or audio of the FBI praising CAIR?
Second, the FBI was told to sever formal ties with terror-linked CAIR, so why are they working with the terror-linked group and letting them know about terror arrests whenCAIR frequently defends terrorists and it has been reported that CAIR hinders FBI investigations of terrorist suspects and tips off terrorist suspects prior to raids?
We told you back in 2009 that CAIR was still working the FBI, and even a new lawdoesn’t seem to prevent the FBI from working with the enemy.
Contact Your Elected Officials and demand the FBI abide by the organizational ban and the law.

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