
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hamas-linked CAIR whines about Minneapolis airport security drill featuring man of "Middle Eastern descent"

From Jihad Watch:

Hamas-linked CAIR whines about Minneapolis airport security drill featuring man of "Middle Eastern descent"

This is an outrage! Who ever heard of a "man who appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent" engaging in an act of terror in an airport?

"Muslim rights group cries foul over MSP security drill," by Paul Walsh for the Star Tribune, May 23 (thanks to J.):

A national Muslim civil rights group is asking the head of Homeland Security to investigate the use of stereotypes after a man who appeared to be of Middle East descent was used in a recent security drill at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) on Monday renewed a request that Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano review "the use of outside trainers who offer hostile, stereotypical and grossly inaccurate information about Muslims and Islam."

Hamas-linked CAIR includes me in this group -- I'm mentioned in their press release about it. My observations regarding that are twofold:

1. Hamas-linked CAIR cannot accurately or honestly show that anything I say about Muslims and Islam is "hostile, stereotypical and grossly inaccurate." They can and do lie, sure, but they can't actually demonstrate a single instance of anything genuinely hostile, stereotypical or grossly inaccurate about Muslims and Islam in anything I have written in ten books, hundreds of articles, and over 25,000 Jihad Watch posts.

2. Napolitano and the DHS should realize that a Hamas-linked group that has opposed every anti-terror measure that has ever come down the pike is likely to recommend just the opposite of what they should do if they really want to protect America.

The organization has previously asked the Obama administration, the Department of Defense and Congress to provide oversight for apparent "widespread anti-Muslim bias in the training of law enforcement and security and military personnel nationwide."

Hamas-linked CAIR would do better to address the widespread anti-Infidel bias in Muslim communities in the U.S. and worldwide. But they never do that. Now, why is that?

According to information released Monday by MSP airport police, the May 12 security test included a device in a shaving kit made to look like a bomb. It was a cylinder with wires connected to a wrist watch. The device was brought to a passenger security checkpoint, according to airport Police Sgt. Mark Ledbetter, one of the responding officers.

"Upon arriving [at the checkpoint]," Ledbetter wrote in his report, "TSA [Transportation Security Administration] screeners were out with a male who appeared to be Middle Eastern in descent or Indian/Pakistani."

He was wearing casual business attire and was calm.

"Well, let's cover all the stereotypical bases," Ibrahim Hooper, national spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said Monday. "It's not surprising in the least that [federal authorities] would resort to anti-Muslim stereotypes."

Hooper, whose group acts as a rights watchdog on behalf of Muslims in the United States, said he has no problem with such security tests, but "when you resort to ethnic and religious stereotypes in these types of drills, it sends the message to watch out for these people, and that leads to profiling."

TSA spokesman Greg Soule countered that his agency conducts "thousands of training tests each year, and the individuals carrying out the testing are [of] various ethnicities, ages and appearances, just like the traveling public."...

Next time, Soule, make the guy look like Honest Ibe Hooper. Or, if that would cause another bogus victimhood uproar from these Hamas-linked thugs, make him look like me. I don't mind in the least. Funny how a genuine interest in protecting America changes one's perspective on issues like this.

Posted by Robert on May 24, 2011 6:24 AM

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