
Friday, February 24, 2012

Seven dead in Afghan protests over Qur'an burning

From Jihad Watch:

Seven dead in Afghan protests over Qur'an burning
There can be no stable or prosperous society -- and indeed, no self-government -- with such a sense of entitlement to wreak havoc when insulted. Self-government depends on government of the self.

Does a lethal rampage un-burn the Qur'ans? Of course not. The inclination to revel in an orgy of self-righteous rage preceded the incident that set off this episode. A rampage found its excuse.

"Seven dead in Afghan protest against 'Koran burning'," from Deutsche Presse-Agentur, February 22:

Kabul - At least seven protesters died and dozens were injured Wednesday when thousands of Afghans demonstrated against alleged Koran burning by international troops, officials said.
In Parwan province, just north of Kabul, six people were killed and 13 injured in Shinwari district, said Roshana Khalid, spokeswoman for the provincial governor.

'The protesters tried to storm the district headquarters and started attacking the Afghan police with live fire,' she said.

Khalid said the protesters hurled rocks and fired guns at the police. 'They vandalized private and police vehicles,' she said.

Another protester in the eastern city of Jalalabad, 150 kilometres south-east of the capital, was shot dead, an official said.

On Monday, foreign troops 'improperly disposed' of Islamic religious materials, including copies of the Koran, at the Bagram air base, according to the NATO-led coalition.
Posted by Marisol on February 22, 2012 5:24 AM

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