
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stop apologizing and start carpet bombing!

From Winds of Jihad:

Stop apologizing and start carpet bombing!

Muslims — not al-Qaeda terrorists, but ordinary, mainstream Muslims — are rioting and murdering over the burning of a war manual most of them are unable to read because…. they’re illiterate!
Pamela Geller:  Stop apologizing and start carpet bombing!
Obama apologizes, they burn him in effigy.
Brilliant, Obama, brillliant. And the band plays on.
(I say waste the MF’s!)
More American Apologies:
Somali headbangers threaten UK:
Islamist fighters in Somalia last night warned of deadly reprisals on Britain’s streets if the West mounted military action in the war-torn east African state.
Krauthammer Embarrassed by Scale of U.S. Apology for Koran Burning, Asks When Islamic Nations Will Apologize for the Killing of Christians 
“This is a world in which nobody asked the Islamic Conference, a grouping of the 56 Islamic countries, to issue an apology when Christians are attacked and churches are burned in Egypt or in Pakistan.”–Read More »

We have officially lost our minds.

The New York Times reports that President Obama has sent a formal letter of apology to Afghanistan’s ingrate president, Hamid Karzai, for the burning of Korans at a U.S. military base. The only upside of the apology is that it appears (based on the Times account) to be couched as coming personally from our blindly Islamophilic president —
“I wish to express my deep regret for the reported incident. . . . I extend to you and the Afghani people my sincere apologies.” It is not couched as an apology from the American people, whose frame of mind will be outrage, not contrition, as the facts become more widely known.   Why Apologize?
Related: Downunder Newsflash
KRudd’s mental health advisor sez KRudd  ”not fit for office”
Funny that.  I would have certified him criminally insane.
Is that a professional opinion?
Sounds serious:
The Australian public is now starting to understand that he (Mr Rudd) wasn’t knifed in the back, in fact he was removed for his own wellbeing and the Government of the country had to function:

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