Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Egypt: Muslims Attack Three Churches, Murder Five Christians

From Jihad Watch:

Egypt: Muslims attack three churches, murder five Christians

The phenomenon that Marisol noted here is on abundant display in this article: Muslim-on-Christian violence is portrayed as "violent clashes between conservative Muslims and Christians," as if both sides were equally at fault. And whenever Muslim violence is described, the passive voice is used -- no perpetrator is stated. Yet what is really happening here is obvious: only churches are attacked in this story, and the trouble arose in the first place because of a false rumor circulating among Muslims.

More on this story. "Cairo churches ablaze after religious clashes," from the Telegraph, May 8:

Violent clashes between conservative Muslims and Christians have left five people dead and over 70 injured.

Churches were also set on fire in Cairo after it had earlier emerged that a Christian woman allegedly converted to Islam.

Witnesses said that 500 conservative Islamists, known as salafists, gathered at Saint Mina church demanding to take custody of the woman who they said had converted to Islam.

A shouting match ensued between church guards, neighbours and the Islamists. The verbal clash developed into a fully-fledged confrontation during which the two sides exchanged gunfire, firebombs and stones.

The protest spread to Al-Azraa and there were reports of another attack on a third church....

Posted by Robert on May 8, 2011 12:10 PM

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