Friday, May 13, 2011

Rhode Island: Muslim Student Charged With Making Bomb Threat At Roger Williams University

From Jihad Watch:

Rhode Island: Muslim student charged with making bomb threat at Roger Williams University


Misunderstanding Islam in Rhode Island

Maybe he just didn't like the food. "Bristol police charge Saudi student in bomb threat at RWU," by Donita Naylor in the Providence Journal, May 9 (thanks to Block Ness):

BRISTOL, R.I. -- The suspicious person arrested at Roger Williams University on Thursday was a Saudi Arabia man studying English, police said Monday. They had been called to investigate a possible bomb threat.

Lt. Steven Contente said Abdulrahman Khalid Althuwayb, 25, asked for food service at the dining center before it opened Thursday morning. A dining supervisor said that Althuwayb was served, and he was asked to come during business hours next time. Two university employees told police they heard Althuwayb say, "OK, don't worry, today is the last day, and tomorrow I blow the walls out."

Bristol Police took him to headquarters and charged him with making a bomb threat or similar false report. He was arraigned in District Court, Providence, on Friday. Surety bail was set at $10,000. He was unable to post 10 percent in cash or property worth the full amount. He was referred to a public defender and awaits a July 8 felony screening....

Posted by Robert on May 9, 2011 11:49 AM

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