Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Afghanistan erupts: “Death to America,” “Death to Obama,” “Jihad is the only way….”

From Winds of Jihad:

Afghanistan erupts: “Death to America,” “Death to Obama,” “Jihad is the only way….”

Yep. And its not even Friday yet.
 The American soldier in the ISAF is expected to patrol and retreat, to smile and reach out to Afghans while they shoot him in the back.
 The alleged attack on Afghans by an American soldier in Kandahar, where 91 soldiers have been murdered last year alone, is already receiving the full outrage treatment. Any outrage over the deaths of those 91 soldiers in the province will be completely absent.
There will be no mention of how many of them died because the Obama Administration decided that the lives of Afghan civilians counted for more than the lives of soldiers. No talk of what it is like to walk past houses with gunmen dressed in civilian clothing inside and if you are fired at from those houses, your orders are to retreat.
Air strikes are for days gone by. The American soldier in the ISAF is expected to patrol and retreat, to smile and reach out to Afghans while they shoot him in the back.  Read more Blood …
And we should get out. We should have gotten out long ago. The mission is undefined, democratization as a goal was foredoomed, elimination of the Taliban is impossible, and we’re not fighting against Sharia oppression in any way. There is no point to being in Afghanistan and has not been for years. It is a criminal drain of American resources that does nothing in the final analysis but strengthen the global jihad.
Thanks to Vlad Tepes

“Protests, attacks hit Afghanistan in wake of massacre,”from MSNBC, March 13:
Thousands of people took to the streets in eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday to protest the killing of 16 civilians by a U.S. soldier, burning an effigy of Barack Obama and calling for the killer to be tried in Afghanistan.Demonstrators in the city of Jalalabad chanted “Death to America — Death to Obama” and blocked the main highway to Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul, Britain’s Daily Telegraph reported.
“Jihad (holy war) is the only way to get the invading Americans out of Afghanistan,” one banner read, according to the newspaper.
The demonstrators also demanded that President Hamid Karzai reject plans to sign a strategic pact with Washington that would allow U.S. advisers and possibly special forces to remain beyond a 2014 deadline for foreign combat troops to leave Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, militants attacked an Afghan government delegation that was visiting the site of the killings, the BBC reported.
“I can confirm that the Taliban have launched an attack from several directions against a government delegation,” a senior official told the BBC. “At this stage, our forces are returning fire.”…
The Afghan Taliban threatened on Tuesday to behead U.S. troops in revenge for the massacre.
Taliban vows ‘revenge’ after US soldier kills 16 civilans in Afghanistan
“The Islamic Emirate once again warns the American animals that the mujahedeen will avenge them, and with the help of Allah will kill and behead your sadistic murderous soldiers,” Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in an emailed statement, using the term with which the Islamist group describes itself.

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