Saturday, March 17, 2012

Norway: Muslim former member of King's Guard dies waging jihad in Somalia

From Jihad Watch:

Norway: Muslim former member of King's Guard dies waging jihad in Somalia
One of the staples of attack pieces on me by Leftist and Islamic supremacist hate groups is something I wrote in 2005: "‘there is no distinction in the American Muslim community between peaceful Muslims and jihadists. While Americans prefer to imagine that the vast majority of American Muslims are civic-minded patriots who accept wholeheartedly the parameters of American pluralism, this proposition has actually never been proven." More is made of this quote than is actually there, since all I meant was actually that there is no institutional distinction, so jihadis move freely in Muslim circles among those who oppose them and claim to do so. In other words, there are no "Islamic supremacist" mosques and "moderate" mosques. There are just mosques, and there are peaceful Muslims and jihadis in them.

Meanwhile, non-Muslim authorities continue to assume that every Muslim who is not an active member of a terrorist group is a moderate who rejects the premises of jihad terror. Here is yet another story that illustrates how unwise that is.

"Norwegian ‘His Majesty the King's Guard’ Dies as terrorist," from Norway News, November 10 (thanks to Benedict):

Norwegian friends found the ‘Norwegian-Somali’ man to be a model soldier. This ‘model soldier’ ended up traveling to Somalia to fight for Allah. 

Without notifying friends or family, the Norwegian-Somali man traveled to Somalia and joined terrorist organization, “al-Shabaab.”
This startling information appears in an unpublished report prepared by the Defense Research Establishment (FFI) and accessed by VG. The report is authored by Stig Jarle Hansen, a world leader in Somalian matters.

PST (Police Security Service) confirmed to VG that the former soldier in His Majesty the King's Guard was killed in combat in March of this year.

PST knew the soldier was killed earlier this year while fighting in Somalia. “There is reason to wonder why a seemingly well-integrated Norwegian citizen would travel to Somalia to join a terrorist organization,” says communications director, Trond Hugubakken of Police Security Service’s (PST).

The 27-year-old is the first known Norwegian citizen who has been killed fighting for a terrorist organization. He died in March this year, allegedly in a battle with Somali government forces. 

In 2005 and 2006, he served with the military service of His Majesty the King's Guard. 

“We have informed the media that a named civilian has been killed in Somalia. We are also aware that he - like many others - has completed their military services training in the Armed Forces a few years back,” said Lt. Col. Bent-Ivan Myhre, spokesman of the Armed Forces.


VG Nett has been in contact with family members and acquaintances of the Norwegian-Somali shoulder. They tell of a sudden change that began after he came in contact with the so-called Tablighi community while traveling. They are extremely conservative Muslims.

“He was a real GodGunsAndGlory. He played football, was well liked by everyone. He had many Norwegian friends, said a school friend.”

Family shocked

The father of the late Norwegian-Somali replied to VG that it came as a shock to him and others in the family that his son traveled to Somalia to join al-Shabaab.

“He traveled to Ethiopia last year to visit his mother. From there he went to Somalia, but he told me little about it. It is terrible to think that he is dead, I cannot get it out of my head, said the father. He has five children behind in Norway.”

-Was he contacted by PST after he died?

“Yes, I have talked a lot with the police. What we talked about is a matter between me and them, but you can imagine it yourself.”

- I guess they were interested in knowing why your son chose to join a terrorist organization.

The father nodded, pulled another drag on his cigarette and his eye went blank.

Overgrown beard

In 2009 that the young man suddenly changed. He began to walk in long ankle-length robes and let his beard grow.

Then, the young man went to Africa. He had not been to Africa since he first set foot on Norwegian soil in 1994.

He landed in Ethiopia and stayed there for a while. Then he must have crossed the border into Somalia. From the war-torn country, he called home from terrorist-controlled Beled weyne.

In Somalia, he was responsible for training and passing on the knowledge of His Majesty the King's Guard to young terrorist recruits.

The family did not hear from him, again. Not until an unknown woman called in March 2011. 

“Hey, I'm his wife. He has been killed,” was all she had to say.

Now the family wants to know who fooled the young happy boy into believing he would go to paradise if he martyred his life to the Somali bloodshed. 

“Why? I want to know,” say a family member. He explains that the young man was a role model for his brothers, sisters, nephews and cousins, before suddenly enlisting into to the radical Islamist movement.

Who could have fooled the young happy boy into believing such a thing? Could it have been...Allah, who guarantees Paradise to those who "kill and are killed" for him (Qur'an 9:111)?


Somalia expert, Stig Jarle Hansen, wrote the report in which the unique story unfolds. He warns it isn’t only young misfits and frustrated men who are attracted to participate in the terror war. 

“This shows that it is important to have a deep and broad dialogue with the Somali community.
It is important not to be blinded by the danger of lies. This man was apparently well-integrated, played football and had Norwegian friends,” says Hansen.

Posted by Robert on November 10, 2011 10:11 AM |

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