Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Qur'an-burning probe clears troops of malicious intent

From Jihad Watch:

Qur'an-burning probe clears troops of malicious intent
Watch for more riots to ensue, with still no American leaders willing to call out the Afghans for their bloody madness. Note also the continuing dhimmitude: the investigation "did find that there were some U.S. personnel who did improperly treat these religious texts." Improperly, that is, according to Sharia.

"Koran-burning probe clears troops of malicious intent," by Kristina Wong in The Washington Times, March 13 (thanks to Twostellas):

The Pentagon said Tuesday that a joint NATO-Afghan investigation into the burning of Korans at Bagram Air Field has been completed.
The investigation found that the “disposal process” of the Korans was improper but was not a malicious act intended to show disrespect for Afghans or Islam.

The probe was conducted by the International Security Assistance Force and the Afghan Ministry of Defense.

“It did find that there were some U.S. personnel who did improperly treat these religious texts, including some of their supervisory personnel,” said Navy Capt. John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman. “And it recommended that they be reviewed for potential disciplinary action.”

The Korans ended up in an incinerator after Afghan prisoners were found using the holy books to pass messages to one another....

Posted by Robert on March 13, 2012 11:20 AM |

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