Sunday, October 17, 2010

"Allahu Akbar!"--Nothing To Do With Islamofascism And Jihad At All....

From Winds of Jihad:

Allahu akbar! Nothing to do with Islam, jihad….

by sheikyermami on October 16, 2010

New York Times can’t figure out Fort Hood jihadist’s motive

Neither can Army Chief of Staff General George Casey:

we have to be careful, because we can’t jump to conclusions now based on little snippets of information that come out.” Rather than acknowledge the obvious, General Casey was concerned instead that undue speculation could “cause a backlash against some of our Muslim soldiers,” and that while Hasan’s action was a tragedy, “it would be a shame if our diversity became a casualty as well.” (Source)

“Diversity” is Deadly:

Diversity as a casualty would be an “even greater tragedy” than the casualties of this act of war on American soil. I cannot believe what I am reading. It was not a tragedy, it was an terrorist attack. This is Obama’s military command….

Luis Farraklan’s got it all worked out: the Jooozzz are to blame!

“It is because, my dear brothers and sisters, Islam was making so much progress in the United States that those anti-Islamic forces are trying to stem the tide of the progress of Islam. Anti-Islamic forces, and some members of the Jewish community, and some members of the Christian community, who have united to condemn Islam and to speak ill of our Prophet Muhammad…..(MEMRI)

U.S. Army General: Lack of diversity in Army is worse than massmurders …

It’s not enough for them that he shouted “Allahu akbar!” before he started shooting. After all, they know that Islam is a Religion of Peace™ and that jihad is an interior spiritual struggle. “At Hearing on Fort Hood Attack, Few Clues,” by James C. McKinley, Jr., for the New York Times, October 15 (thanks to JW)

“…the official investigation was chaired by two retired Clinton appointees whose dedication to enforcing extreme multicultural policies and hiring quotas suggested a fix from the get go.” (Source)

Allahu Akbar! Evidence of Fort Hood Killer Shrink’s Shooting Rampage Destroyed

Business as usual: The whitewashing of jihad by the MSM. See here and here. (Michelle Malkin)

Political correctness is the handmaiden of terror.

Word from News Commentary: The Future Life of Major Hasan

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