Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fort Hood Terrorist Could Face Additional Charges For Killing An Unborn Child

From Gateway Pundit:

Fort Hood Terrorist could face additional charges for killing an unborn childfrom Gateway Pundit by John SchulenburgThe U.S. Army convened their version of a preliminary hearing today to investigate charges against the Fort Hood terrorist Nidal Hassan. In addition to the 13 charges of premeditated murder and 32 charges of attempted murder, he could be facing an additional murder charge for killing the unborn child of PFC Francheska Velez, one of Hasan’s victims who was pregnant when he killed her.

In this case, Hasan should face an additional specification of murder because Private First Class (PFC) Francheska Velez, one of Hasan’s victims, was pregnant at the time of her death. Under the UCMJ and the federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act (signed into law in 2004 by President George W. Bush), Hasan can be charged for the death of PFC Velez’s unborn child regardless of whether he knew that PFC Velez was pregnant when he shot her.

Thus, Colonel Pohl can and should consider evidence that Hasan’s conduct caused the death of PFC Velez’s unborn child and recommend that the convening authority – the Army general in command at Fort Hood – charge Hasan for the death of the child. Justice for PFC Velez, her family, and the U.S. Army demands it.

More details can be found at American’s United For Life

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