From Personal Liberty Digest:
Mission Creep
October 6, 2010 by Bob Livingston
America’s undeclared war on Pakistan is escalating. In response to an increasing number of unmanned drone attacks and NATO incursions into Pakistan — including a helicopter attack that killed three Pakistani soldiers — gunmen are attacking NATO convoys providing supplies to United States troops in Afghanistan.
Apparently President Barack Obama subscribes to the Bush Doctrine: The policy created by President George W. Bush that “justified” making war on any country he decided was a threat. That’s not a policy the Left approved of under Bush. Nor should the Left approve of Obama’s undeclared wars simply because Obama has a big “D” after his name.
Congress has abdicated its Constitutional authority to declare war and has given the President — first Bush and now Obama — carte blanche to make war wherever and whenever he desires. And Obama — like Bush before him — apparently recognizes no sovereign borders. How else do you explain blatant military incursions in Pakistan and threats to send armed, unmanned drones to Yemen and other countries to kill “terrorists” who have not attacked America?
The Joint Resolution in Congress authorizing the President to wage war in Afghanistan following the 9/11 false flag attack on U.S. targets in New York and Washington, D.C., gave the President authority to “…use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.”
The 9/11 Commission report blamed the Taliban in Afghanistan for harboring CIA creation Osama bin Laden. Of course, the findings in that report have since been called into question by the commissioners who wrote it and many others as more and more information and analysis has leaked implicating agents of the U.S. government in a cover-up of the events surrounding events of that day.
The U.S. military has been in a constant state of war for more than nine years. U.S. troops are abused and worn down from long deployments, and billions have been spent propping up the military-industrial complex and paying mercenaries six-figure salaries to conduct black ops around the globe. Despite all that the War on Terror continues… even if Obama no longer calls it that.
Here at home we are constantly bombarded with new government-issued warnings about the threat of more terror attacks to come in the U.S. and warnings about travel overseas. To combat the “threat” of terrorism here, governments are irradiating U.S. citizens at airports and highway checkpoints, deploying rolling backscatter scanners, installing cameras to watch our every move, planting GPS systems on our vehicles, scanning our emails and communications for “anti-government” sentiment and labeling as terrorists returning veterans, Ron Paul supporters, those advocating for smaller government and Tea Party members.
Some are starting to take note of the mission creep around the world. Few seem to notice — or care — about the mission creep at home.
“Just keep us safe,” say the people.
The shadow government’s will be done.
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