
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Count Every Military Ballot!

From Big Government:

Count Every Military Ballot!by Andrew Marcus

Illinois blogger, Marathon Pundit, is correctly demanding that EVERY military ballot be counted in the land of Lincoln.

The GOP had a terrific Election Day in the Land of Lincoln, winning a US Senate seat and at least three House seats. In the governor’s race, with 99 percent of precincts counted, incumbent Democrat Pat Quinn leads Republican challenger Bill Brady by 10,000 votes.

As the Democrats repeated ad nauseam is during the 2000 Florida recount, “We need to count all the votes.”

And that includes all of the military votes.

Not only should ever military ballot be counted, the entire Illinois election should be forensically audited, regardless of outcome. Can you imagine how much fraud would be exposed?

For those that haven’t tracked what went down here, the Democrat machine systematically broke the law regarding the required 45 day advance mailing of military ballots. No worries though, we are not equal under the law so Illinois was given a pass by a Progressive Obama Justice Department.

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