
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Obama Regime To Spend $200 Million Per Day On Boondoggle To India While Wounded Warriors Beg For Donations

From Gateway Pundit:

Obama To Spend $200 Million Per Day On Mumbai Boondoggle While Wounded Soldiers Beg For Donations

Posted by Lady Liberty on Wednesday, November 3, 2010, 4:08 PM

“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

Albert Pike

American Lawyer, Journalist and Soldier


Congratulations America. You have just experienced another free, open and peaceful election. Thank a soldier!

Yesterday, amid the swirl of midterm election news, it was announced that President Obama’s trip to Mumbai, India would cost $200 million per day. His retinue includes 3,000 people including Secret Service agents, US government officials and journalists, 40 aircraft, and three Marine One choppers that will be disassembled in the US, flown to Mumbai, and reassembled in India to ferry the president and his family and to evacuate them in case of any emergency. Also included is military personnel to ensure his safety.

He has reserved the entire Taj Mahal Hotel. All 570 odd rooms, banquet halls, restaurants, etc. In addition to hundreds of rooms in other 5 star hotels around Mumbai. Obviously no expense will be spared.

It seems to me that this is a fabulous expenditure of taxpayers dollars for a trip that has been described by The Global Post in this way:

The bottom line: There’s very little chance Indians won’t be disappointed with the outcome.

And this:

“If you look closely at what the background briefings are from the Indian side and what is being said not only in Washington but by the U.S. ambassador here, one gets the sense that nothing dramatic is likely to emerge from the visit,” said former foreign secretary Kanwal Sibal.

Already the Obama administration is downplaying expectations. At a press briefing to outline the broad agenda for the visit, senior U.S. officials encouraged observers to focus on the big picture, rather than big agreements.

This is what we get for nearly a billion dollars? Personally I think that President Obama needs to reprioritize. Perhaps even make a few sacrifices.

America is in a deep recession. So many are suffering. Budget cuts have been made to police, firefighters, teachers and schools. Deep, painful cuts. Yet President and Mrs. Obama party on. They seem to be oblivious to the plight of ordinary Americans. But the worst cut of all is the lack of funding for our wounded warriors and their families. These brave men and women deserve our support. Many return from serving our country emotionally battered, missing limbs, blind, crippled, and unable to easily integrate back into society. Their families, in many cases, are overwhelmed by their needs.

How is it that they are reduced to begging for donations on television? I’m certain you’ve seen the ad. The one with Trace Atkins crooning, “Say a prayer for peace.”; that have interviews with wounded soldiers struggling to regain their lives and their dignity. They are the best of us. Their courage, in the face of such adversity, is a testament to their character and determination.

John Melea, with the assistance of family and friends, has formed a wonderful and worthy organization called the Wounded Warrior Project. The Wounded Warrior Project was formed in 2002 to fill a need and is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to “honor and empower wounded warriors” of the United States Armed Forces.” The Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) works to raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women, to help severely injured service members aid and assist each other, and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs.” If you wish you may donate here..

Their motto is “The greatest casualty is being forgotten.”

As Americans we enjoy unprecedented freedoms. At times it seems that we take those freedoms for granted. We shouldn’t. Many lives have been lost and irrevocably changed protecting those freedoms. Never forget.

What say you Mr. President?

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