Infiltration Watch: Traitors to the Left of Me, Muslims to the Right…..
by sheikyermami on November 22, 2010
Muslim on Homeland Security Advisory Council
Jihad Watch has a whole list of Mohammedan moles and infil-traitors here (below)>>

Mohamed Elibiary is a proponent of Sayyid Qutb, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Elbiary also admires and praises the “great Islamic visionary,” Iran’s Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
What would you expect a Muslim to do on the Homeland Security Advisory Council if not facilitate terrorism? Going back a step, what would you expect the protégé of Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers to do if not load the government with other fanatics motivated by anti-American ideology? As Tom Brokaw would say, Take this, America! (Moonbattery)
Genius: LA sheriff gives Muslim men helicopter tours of patrol stations
Creeping Sharia
LA sheriff gives Muslim men helicopter tours of patrol stations

“Sheer madness” via Islam’s PC Pal In L.A. –
Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca seems more interested in currying favor with radical Muslim groups than fighting terror. He’s even invited one to lecture police about “radicalization.”
Next week, Baca’s department will host a conference for the L.A. Police Department and the FBI on “radicalization and homegrown violent extremism.” Among featured speakers are two suspect figures with the Muslim Public Affairs Council.
L.A.-based MPAC claims to be “moderate.” But according to a new report put out by a coalition of U.S. security officials, it’s “an aggressive propaganda arm” of the radical Muslim Brotherhood, parent of Hamas and al-Qaida. MPAC’s own publication, the Minaret, has proudly called its founder “a close disciple of” Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna.
While that’s bad enough, one of the MPAC officials slated to speak, Edina Lekovic, edited the magazine Al-Talib when it editorialized that “our brother” Osama bin Laden was a “freedom fighter” who should be defended by Muslims. This was in 1999 — a year after bin Laden bombed our embassies and declared war on us.
The other official is MPAC President Salam al-Marayati, who the same year was booted from the National Commission on Terrorism by then-House Democratic Leader Dick Gephardt for praising Hezbollah. He wasn’t fit to serve on an anti-terror panel in 1999. What makes Baca think he’s fit now? Read more »
First Referenced Article:
Mohamed Elibiary wants a retraction and an apology. Answer: No.

He didn't know! He didn't know!
Mohamed Elibiary, who is no less a personage than "the country's leading Muslim deradicalization expert," was quite unhappy with this post, in which I noted that he was one of the speakers at a December 2004 conference in Dallas entitled "A Tribute to the Great Islamic Visionary," Ayatollah Khomeini, and that when Rod Dreher of the Dallas Morning News called him on this, he threatened Dreher, telling him: "Expect someone to put a banana in your exhaust pipe."
Elibiary demanded a retraction and an apology in an email in which he accused me of "character assassinating others when you claim to be standing up for freedom of speech instead of debating their ideas." This is yet another example of the projection we have seen so often from Islamic spokesmen, since in reality it is I who have so often reiterated my willingness to debate both Muslim and non-Muslim Islamic apologists, while they have contented themselves with making broad-based and inaccurate attacks on my scholarship and integrity, and declining to defend their claims in debate with me. These include:
Ahmed Afzaal
Akbar Ahmed
Karen Armstrong
Jamal Badawi
Robert Crane
Dinesh D'Souza
Carl Ernst
John Esposito
Suhail Khan
Mark LeVine
Khaleel Mohammed
Grover Norquist
Brave Ahmed Rehab
Louay Safi
Omid Safi
Anyway, Elibiary asked me to post his explanation of his appearance at the Khomeini tribute conference, from here:
"I have been asked whether, if I had realized before I spoke that the event honored Imam Khomeini, I would have left immediately. I don't know. My activism, which is designed to bring Muslims into the mainstream, calls upon me not to cede any territory to radical views without presenting a moderating counterpoint."
"I have been asked what I would say to someone who believes that there is no good reason to attend a tribute to Imam Khomeini. If their concerns revolved around the American experience of him, I would say that I echo their feelings. But if anyone wishes to learn about their opponent, they must listen, or they'll remain ignorant and make mistakes that cost them in their struggle to defend their values and views."
Elibiary claims, as you can see here (along with some libelous claims about this website), that he didn't know beforehand that the event was a tribute to Khomeini, and that he never saw the poster advertising it as such. I told him I would have been livid if I had been invited to speak at one kind of conference that turned out to be a different kind, and asked him if he had taken any action against this craven bait-and-switch; no answer. In light of attempts by CAIR and its tool and ally, the libelblogger Charles Johnson, to demonstrate that I have spoken at "racist" or "neofascist" events, when I never have done so and never would, I take this kind of thing very seriously. I can only imagine how indulgent Elibiary's jihadist coreligionists and their non-Muslim stooges on the Left would be if I ever did speak at a conference that really was unsavory in some way, and then claimed that I had not known beforehand what the conference was really about.
Thus I admit to a certain skepticism, but nonetheless, as I am only interested in true and accurate reporting, I pass on to you Elibiary's claim for what it's worth. Perhaps he could clarify matters by being so kind as to repudiate and reject in no uncertain terms Khomeini's assertion that "Islam says: Kill in the service of Allah those who may want to kill you!...There are hundreds of other [Koranic] psalms and hadiths [sayings of the prophet] urging Muslims to value war and to fight. Does all that mean that Islam is a religion that prevents men from waging war? I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim." Would Elibiary be a recipient of Khomeini's spittle? We can only hope so, and perhaps he will enlighten us.
Elibiary also claimed in his email to me that Rod Dreher fabricated the banana-in-the-exhaust-pipe threat:
Concerning the banana threat issue with Rod Dreher. it like some of Rod's postings is a fabrication. There was never a threat to him and his superiors at the DMN and FBI who reviewed the email chains also found no threat. So I don't see any reason to say anything further on that topic other than what I told Rod when he tried to concoct this threat instead of addressing my arguments by cutting partial sentences out of context, call the police/FBI if you feel you were threated [sic].
Note that Elibiary doesn't actually claim here that he didn't say "Expect someone to put a banana in your exhaust pipe." He just says that Dreher was taking his words...that's right..."out of context," and that the Dallas Morning News and the FBI didn't see any threat in them. The "out of context" defense is so tired and flimsy that I am surprised Elibiary was not embarrassed to haul it out again, but maybe it's true: maybe Elibiary said that someone would want to surprise Dreher with a fruit for his lunch and would mistake his exhaust pipe for his glove compartment. You just never know. But the fact that the DMN and the FBI saw no threat in these words doesn't strike me as impressive; after all, this is the same FBI that didn't see any particular threat to me in the words "Motherf**ker, I am coming to kill you. I will hack the head off your face and i will kill your family."
Anyway, Elibiary says that he didn't say it, or didn't say it like that, or didn't mean it as a threat, or something, and there you have it. I know how I would take those words if I were the recipient of them.
And so there you have it. Mohamed Elibiary wants me to retract my statements that he spoke at a conference honoring Khomeini -- except he did, but claims he didn't know it was a conference honoring Khomeini. Since all I said was that he spoke there, and he did, no retraction is necessary on that score. And he also wants a retraction of my statement that he threatened Dreher, and yet Dreher himself took his words in that way, as I believe any reasonable person would.
And so no retraction for that one either, Mr. Elibiary. And certainly no apology for telling the truth.
However, if you wish to present some honest and genuine clarifications, rather than more detours, deceptions, and defamation, I'll be glad to publish them here.
Posted by Robert on February 13, 2010 7:53 AM
Second Referenced Article:
LA sheriff gives Muslim men helicopter tours of patrol stations
Posted on November 19, 2010 by creeping
…and invites bin Laden and Hizbollah supporters to speak to the FBI and LAPD about countering homegrown jihadis.

“Sheer madness” via Islam’s PC Pal In L.A. –
Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca seems more interested in currying favor with radical Muslim groups than fighting terror. He’s even invited one to lecture police about “radicalization.”
Next week, Baca’s department will host a conference for the L.A. Police Department and the FBI on “radicalization and homegrown violent extremism.” Among featured speakers are two suspect figures with the Muslim Public Affairs Council.
L.A.-based MPAC claims to be “moderate.” But according to a new report put out by a coalition of U.S. security officials, it’s “an aggressive propaganda arm” of the radical Muslim Brotherhood, parent of Hamas and al-Qaida. MPAC’s own publication, the Minaret, has proudly called its founder “a close disciple of” Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna.
While that’s bad enough, one of the MPAC officials slated to speak, Edina Lekovic, edited the magazine Al-Talib when it editorialized that “our brother” Osama bin Laden was a “freedom fighter” who should be defended by Muslims. This was in 1999 — a year after bin Laden bombed our embassies and declared war on us.
The other official is MPAC President Salam al-Marayati, who the same year was booted from the National Commission on Terrorism by then-House Democratic Leader Dick Gephardt for praising Hezbollah. He wasn’t fit to serve on an anti-terror panel in 1999. What makes Baca think he’s fit now?
“The segment in question is a learning module for first responders to ask intelligent questions and hopefully get intelligent answers,” Sheriff’s Department Chief Mike Grossman explained in a statement to us. “Understanding the deeper roots of the problem requires dialogue.”
Intelligent answers? Count on more disinformation. MPAC has fought every counterterror program the LAPD and FBI have tried to get going in the Muslim community since interrogations of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed revealed L.A. as a prime al-Qaida target.
The group has advised Muslims not to cooperate with investigators, not to inform on each other, not to self-police. It has defended terrorist suspects even after their convictions.
So it’s sheer madness that its leaders would be invited to headline a cop workshop on combating terror. But then, Baca is mad with PC. In 2006, he started the Muslim Community Affairs Unit to do more outreach with Muslim groups.
The unit is staffed with at least seven Muslims, including two deputies who invited the MPAC leaders to lecture officers. Baca’s even been taking young Muslim men up in department helicopters and giving them tours of patrol stations as part of “outreach.” He’s also got MPAC and the Council on American-Islamic Relations giving mandatory two-hour Islamic “sensitivity training” to new cadets.
Much more via the Investigative Project on Terrorism’s Executive Summary: LA Law Enforcement Conference on “Radicalization” Features Islamist Radicals who have Impeded U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts and the full report:
Federal, state and local law enforcement officials are organizing a two-day conference starting Sunday in central California entitled, “Radicalization Conference 2010: Radicalization and Homegrown Violent Extremism.”
The official program makes it immediately clear that the word “Islamic” is missing before the word “Radicalization” or before the words “Homegrown Violent Extremism.” This politically correct self-censorship in avoiding the use of the word “Islamic” before “Radicalization” or “Extremism” follows the growing censorship adopted by the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security, and even the White House.
Yet, sources knowledgeable about the conference say its aim is to focus on how to counter radicalization in the Islamic community. It is being organized by the LA Prison and Radicalization unit of the LA Joint Regional Terrorist Threat Assessment Center (LA-JRTTAC), which itself is part of the DHS-funded LA “Fusion Center.” The Fusion Center is underwriting the conference. The Fusion Center includes representatives from LA FBI, LA Sheriff, and LA Police Department.
High-ranking officials from all of LA law enforcement agencies are scheduled to speak including Chief Michael Grossman of the LA Sheriff’s office, LAPD Chief Michael Downing, a senior LA FBI official, several detectives of the LA Sheriff’s office and investigators from the district attorney’s office.
Most surprisingly, also appearing at this federally funded conference are two officials from an Islamist organization which has served at the forefront of impeding U.S. counterterrorism efforts, has issued statements in support of terrorist groups like Hizballah and, perhaps most significantly, has issued incendiary statements that actually cause Muslims to be radicalized.
Read it all at:
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