
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Italy: Muslims Protest Police "Cataloguing" Of Mosque Attendees

Since each and every mosque is a potential threat to public safety, this seems reasonable.

From Winds of Jihad:

Italy: Muslims Protest Police ‘Cataloguing’ of Mosque Attendees

by sheikyermami on November 22, 2010

ALL mosques should be watched. Every cleric should be investigated. Every kutba should be checked for incitement….

Italy: Muslims protest police ‘cataloguing’ of mosque attendees (eye on the world)

Treviso, 22 Nov. (AKI) – A Muslim leader in Italy has deplored the ‘cataloguing’ by police in recent weeks of Muslims attending mosque in the northern city of Treviso and surrounding areas. Treviso is a stronghold of the anti-immigrant Northern League party.

“The incidents reported of what amounts to the mass catalogues of Muslims in the province of Treviso are of unpredecented in gravity,” the spokesman for Italy’s largest Muslim umbrella group UCOII, Hamza Piccardo, told Adnkronos International (AKI).

Piccardo, a Muslim convert said he had only learned of the situation on Friday when a Muslim told him police stopped him outside a mosque in Montebello in the province of Treviso and asked to see his documents.

The police also photographed all the Muslims attending Friday prayers at the Montebello mosque, Piccardo said.

“We interpret this as a very serious act of intimidation,” he said, nonetheless urging Muslims to report such incidents.

Hamza said local Muslims told him similar ‘cataloguing’ of the faithful has occurred at mosques in the towns of Cornuda and Castelfranco Veneto.

A similar incident took place in the town of Villorba, a member of the Consulta Islamica official body set up by the Italian government to dialogue with the Muslim community, Mohammed Ahmed, told AKI.

“What’s going on is wrong, because Muslims attending prayers at a mosque are not committing any crime,” said Ahmed, an Egyptian journalist.

But Islam is a criminal organization, Ahmed. And keeping an eye on the mafia is necessary, as is self-preservation and defense against the criminal cult of Islam….

Ahmed said he would bring up the issue at the next meeting of the Consulta Islamica in Rome.

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