Monday, December 13, 2010

Great News! Hugo Chavez Got 1,800 Anti-Aircraft Missiles From Russia Last Year

From The American Thinker:

December 13, 2010

Great news: Chavez got 1,800 anti-aircraft missiles from Russia last year

Rick Moran

They are the Stinger-type shoulder-fired variety and that should worry all of us.

As Fausta Wertz points out at Hot Air, the chances of Hugo selling these missiles to Colombian terrorists or Mexican drug gangs are not inconsiderable. She quotes the Washington Post:

Russia delivered at least 1,800 shoulder-fired antiaircraft missiles to Venezuela in 2009, U.N. arms control data show, despite vigorous U.S. efforts to stop President Hugo Chavez's stridently anti-American government from acquiring the weapons.

The United States feared that the missiles could be funneled to Marxist guerrillas fighting Colombia's pro-American government or Mexican drug cartels, concerns expressed in U.S. diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks and first reported in the Spanish newspaper El Pais.

It had been unclear how many of the Russian SA-24 missiles were delivered to Venezuela, though the transfer itself was not secret. Chavez showed off a few dozen at a military parade in April 2009, saying they could "deter whatever aerial aggression against our country." A high-level Russian delegation told American officials in Washington in July of that year that 100 of the missiles had been delivered in the first quarter of 2009.

She adds:

You can fool yourself into believing that Hugo Chavez is a clown who will be out of power "sometime soon", and that he represents no peril to the region. Instead, every move Chavez makes consolidates power on himself, and his actions will continue to represent a threat to his neighbors and to our hemisphere.


Posted at 08:56 AM

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