Sunday, March 27, 2011

the Progressive Guillotine And Obama's War

From and Liberty Pulse:

The Progressive Guillotine and Obama's War


Written by beckychr007 on Mar-21-11 12:53pm

“We’re not cowboys: we’re social workers, the kind with mean, pinched faces and a moralizing, condescending air – armed with fighter jets, guided missiles, and nuclear weapons, and determined to Do Good." ~Justin Raimondo

The hypocrisy of the progressives/leftists in supporting Obama's War is truly spectacular in its audacity. Without any kind of evidence, they assume that the bulk of the people in Libya want to be rid of Qaddafi. They are quite certain the rebels are true liberators—whom the Libyan people passionately wish to rule over them—when all we really know is that these “liberators” are some disgruntled former members of the army.

Whatever happened to all their harping about the evils of ethnocentrism?. Shouldn't someone at least ask the Libyan people? Just this year the progressives' beloved United Nations was praising Qaddafi’s human rights record and, in another report, he was praised for the reduction of poverty in Libya. I am skeptical of these findings—but the evidence to the contrary is impressive in its apparent nonexistence.

When the war drums were beating before the Iraqi occupation, we were subjected to endless horror stories of Saddam Hussein's brutal rule. And, for the most part, this aspect of the government line was indisputable. But, the Obama , and his media toadies, have totally omitted that part of the usual buildup to the always rousing moment when the Empire unleashes its freedom fighters on some fourth rate power.

But now, none of this is suppose to matter. For some reason as soon as the president (any president) makes a decision to kill foreigners and put American lives at risk, we are expected to patriotically shut up and support our government—a type of deference not required, or expected, when non-deadly executive decisions are made.

So we have McCain and Lindsey Graham out preaching this pugnacious mystical patriotism—and the facts (as they always do) have become irrelevant. We must support the troops—foremost among whom is Barack Obama, The modern conservative can always be counted on to be the compliant imperial dupe, no matter how ludicrous or immoral the government’s position is.

And this time around, the Progressives are with Caesar too—giving him the type of factual deference they would not dream of conceding to George Bush—even though he actually had some credible evidence tending to show that Hussein was a monster, whom the people of Iraq yearned to be rid of.

In “The God of the Machine” Isabel Paterson explained how progressives, “liberals”, humanitarians and other do-gooders become executioners and warriors—and it has nothing to do with facts, but everything to do with a moral imperative which is on full display these days—due to his superior intellect, and highly-developed moral sense, the Social Worker-King, knows best what the Libyan people need, and it is not necessary to confuse the issue with facts :

“The humanitarian wishes to be a prime mover in the lives of others. He cannot admit either the divine or the natural order, by which men have the power to help themselves. The humanitarian puts himself in the place of God.

But he is confronted by two awkward facts; first, that the competent do not need his assistance; and second, that the majority of people, if unperverted, positively do not want to be 'done good' by the humanitarian....

Of course, what the humanitarian actually proposes is that he shall do what HE thinks is good for everybody. It is at this point that the humanitarian sets up the guillotine”

....or sends Tomahawk missiles flying.

Barack Obama, and the well-meaning people like him, are always consistent in their determination to do good—whether it is forcing Americans to buy health insurance they don't want, or forcing Libyans to accept a new government they didn't ask for.

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