Monday, March 28, 2011

We Have An Illegal War

From The American Spectator:

Breaking News

We Have an Illegal War

By Ben Stein on 3.23.11 @ 9:48AM

Okay, kids. Now, let's see where we are today in the wacky, mad, wonderful world of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton playing at war and diplomacy.

When we last looked in, Hill and Barack had just junked the U.S. Constitution and gone to war at the order -- not of Congress but of the United Nations Security Council... But look. It gets a LOT more interesting than that....

First, as of early morning Wednesday, we were learning that France actually began bombing the Gaddafi forces before there was any international agreement on the whole subject. Just on its own, France declared war or at least started fighting against Libya, or so it is reported. They then persuaded the clubbable Mrs. Clinton to go along, and Mr. Cameron was keen, so off we went.

Now, we have France, which has not really done us any favors in the world for a good long time now, bringing us into a third concurrent war. And what are our aims in this war? That's the beauty part! No one knows.

President Obama says it's to stop Col. Gaddafi from killing civilians. But how can he stop Gaddafi's men from going into homes and killing people except by putting a Marine detachment into each of Libya's roughly five million homes? He cannot do that with F-15's flying at Mach 2 two miles above the ground. But he's promised he won't send in ground troops.

So, that part about stopping Gaddafi from killing civilians was just a big fat joke.

Then, there's the aim of making Gaddafi leave office. But wait. Didn't Mr. Obama say that was specifically not his goal one day, then say it was his goal the next day? So, what's the goal? If it's making Gaddafi leave office, how will he do that without ground troops?

Then there's this nonsense about how we're just one little player on a big team and we're leaving the game soon. To hand off the combat to… well, that's another problem. No other Western nation has a large, up to date military. So, that part about handing over combat to someone else… that was a joke, too!

So, we have an illegal war. No honest goal. No way of reaching any meaningful goal except by getting us into a third ground war… and here's the best part:

We don't even know who our allies in Libya are. We don't know if they're pro-Iranian, or pro al Qaeda, or just who the heck they are.

So we are going to war illegally, with the stated reasons a complete joke, and we may be placing on the throne in Libya people who are more dangerous to us than Gaddafi.

It is a terrifying thing to leave the governance of a first class nation to third-rate people. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Letter to the Editor

Ben Stein is a writer, actor, economist, and lawyer living in Beverly Hills and Malibu. He writes "Ben Stein's Diary" for every issue of The American Spectator

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